
Whether pre-, peri. There are over 9 million women in Germany going through the menopause and their symptoms are varied. Knowledge about the diversity of symptoms and therapy indications is growing. The hormone experts in the field of gynaecology, Dr. med. Staude and Dr. med. Schwenkhagen from Hamburg not only educate me as a general practitioner, but also offer podcasts and information worth listening to for women in their Hormone Academy.

Under the motto “Knowledge makes you cool”, they are committed to the compatibility of menopause and career, an area that has been clearly neglected in the public perception. Have a listen and talk to me if you have any menopause-related complaints.

further information


Friedensallee 43 | 22765 Hamburg
Office hours
Mo Tu We Th Fr * and by arrangement
Directions & Parking Practice Dr. Gahlenbeck
Parking spaces are available in front of the practice Our practice is barrier-free
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